Why you need a LinkedIn Profile
In today’s’ world of instantaneous gratification and growing impatience it is vital to make it easy for others to find you. If you have sparked the interest of someone else that connection may lead to huge opportunities in the near future. Unfortunately that interest you have created in the other person won’t last for long. It is in this brief period that you want the person looking for you to be able to find you easily.
LinkedIn is an excellent way to be accessible to others and showcase your accomplishments without bragging. Lets take a typical scenario that happens daily on Google. After meeting someone at a networking event and getting their contact information, the person of interest will want to get to know more about you before committing to contacting you. To do this they will most likely type in your first and last name into Google. In most cases if they don’t find you on that first page they will stop searching for you.
You may be thinking since they have your business card they will get in contact with you. In most instances this isn’t the case. Chances are they met many other people similar to you. What’s great about having a LinkedIn Profile that is optimized with keywords is you are far more likely to appear on the first page of Google search results. This is excellent because it gives you the opportunity to sell yourself to the person of interest without sounding like your bragging. In many cases your LinkedIn Profile will convey more interest then your brief encounter in person.
The importance of having an optimized LinkedIn Profile that appears in the first page of Google is invaluable. It can be the difference between receiving great opportunities or being skipped over by the person of interest. Never before has it been so easy and socially acceptable to display your achievements to other professionals thanks to LinkedIn.
In today’s tough economy it is very important to take advantage of all the professional tools available to you, including social media. Luckily when it comes to professional networking services LinkedIn is the only social media service you need to focus on. What this means for you is by having an effective LinkedIn profile you are taking full advantage of Social Media.
Having a profile on LinkedIn allows other professionals to find out more about your personal brand through a simple Google search. It also allows you to connect and communicate with 187,000,000 members currently on LinkedIn.
If you need help creating a LinkedIn Profile that delivers results call us at 980.258.0570